Fire Ant Control

fire ant characteristics

Size: There are many sizes of workers in the colony, ranging from 1/8-inch to almost 3/8-inch in length.  Color: Reddish brown.

The red imported fire ant was brought into this country during the 1920s and has spread to cover most of the Gulf Coast states and most of eastern Texas.  It is now established north into parts of Tennessee and North Carolina.

Approaches to controlling Imported Red Fire Ants include trenching the mound directly with an insecticide such as Tempo, CyKick, or Suspend.

Or, make a mound or broadcast bait treatment using  Advance Carpenter Ant Bait, or Advion Fire Ant Bait or Maxforce Complete.  Perimeter treatments around the structure should be conducted on a regular basis to keep fire ants from invading the structure.

Mound drenching involves flooding the mound with a large volume of water based insecticide. More that one gallon is needed for most mounds and larger mounds may require more than one gallon. Tempo, CyKick, or Suspend are labeled for the Imported Red Fire Ant.

Fire Ants taking Advance

Granular insecticides, with their unique sand core granular structure, provides a 2 to 4 month residual, supplying effective, long-term protection. It penetrates mulch and grass, with no watering needed. There’s no odor when you use granulars, and its low application rates make it cost effective as well.

best selling for fire ant control

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Insecticide Granules

Bifenthrin L/P Granules


Insecticide Granules

Demand G Insecticide Granules


spray concentrates for fire ants

These concentrates are mixed with water and used in a compressed hand held sprayer to make your application.

Spray Concentrates

Sumari Inseciticide 32 oz


Spray Concentrates

D-Fense SC 1 pt.

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Spray Concentrates

Fendona CS 1 Pt.


Spray Concentrates

Temprid FX


Spray Concentrates

Bifen I/T Insecticide 1 Pt.


Spray Concentrates

Tandem Insecticide 1 Qt.


Spray Concentrates

Mavrik Perimeter Insecticide

best seller badge

Spray Concentrates

Cy-Kick CS 1 Pt.


Spray Concentrates

Demand CS Insecticide 8 Oz.


Spray Concentrates

Suspend SC Insecticide 1 Pt.


Spray Concentrates

Talstar Pro 1 Pt.


Spray Concentrates

Tengard Insecticide 1 Qt.


Ant Baits

These different baits are labeled for most all common household ants.

Insecticide granules for fire ants

These “ready to use” granular crystals are convenient and great for a contact kill and have a great residual properties for the exterior. They fall down into and under landscape material such as turf, rock or mulch to target problem fire ants.

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Insecticide Granules

Bifenthrin L/P Granules


Insecticide Granules

DeltaGard G Insecticide


Insecticide Granules

Demand G Insecticide Granules


Insecticide Granules

Talstar PL Granules
