Label  SDS  Sell Sheet 1  Sell Sheet 2
Not registered for use in: CA, ME
Ridesco WG Insecticide from BASF Combines two trusted active ingredients (AIs), alpha-cypermethrin and dinotefuran. Ridesco WG Insecticide is tough on difficult-to-control pests such as spiders, occasional invaders, large cockroaches, and more. The quick-release formulation means the AIs hit pests immediately, resulting in a swift reduction of pest populations that customers will notice — fast.
Ridesco WG Insecticide has a flexible label that allows for use outdoors, on and off structure, and indoors, including food handling areas, with one simple rate.
Two Powerful Active Ingredients – Better Together
• Quickly reduces populations of a broad range of pests.
• Powered by two trusted active ingredients, Dinotefuran and alpha-Cypermethrin, that target the nervous system of the pest at two different sites.
• With two modes of action, it’s a great fit for a resistance management program
FOR USE IN AND AROUND: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Areas, Buildings, Agricultural Buildings; Airports; Animal Confinement Buildings and Pens; Apartments; Cafeterias; Calf Hutches; Calving Pens and Parlors; Campgrounds, Churches; Commercial Buildings; Convenience Stores; Cruise Ships; Dairy Areas; Milking Parlors; Day Care Centers; Dog Kennels; Egg Laying Facilities; Food Handling Facilities; Food Processing Plants; Food Storage Areas; Food Vendors; Garbage Receptacles and Corrals; Grain Mills; Granaries; Health Care Facilities; Hog Barns; Homes; Horse Barns and Arenas; Hospitals; Hotels; Industrial Buildings; Landscapes; Lawns; Libraries; Malls; Meat Packing Plants; Milkhouses; Motels; Museums; Nursing Homes; Ornamental Plants; Outdoor Living Areas; Poultry Houses; Rabbit Hutches; Recreational Areas; Resorts, Restaurants and other Food Handling Establishments; Schools; Supermarkets; Terminals; Theme Parks; Trailers; Transportation Equipment (Buses, Boats, Ships, Trains, Trucks, and Planes – cargo areas only); Utilities; Washrooms; and Warehouses
* RidescoTM WG insecticide contains: Dinotefuran – 20.0% and Alpha-Cypermethrin – 10.0% formulated together as a water-dispersable granule (WG).
EPA Reg. No. 7969-470
DO NOT apply RidescoTM WG insecticide while bees are foraging. DO NOT apply Ridesco WG to plants that are flowering. Only apply after all flower petals have fallen off.
• All outdoor applications must be limited to spot or Crack& Crevice® treatments only, except for the following permitted uses:
1. Applications to soil, lawn, turf, and other vegetation;
2. Applications to the side of a man-made structure, up to 2 feet above ground level;
3. Perimeter band treatments of 7 feet wide or less from the base of a man-made structure to pervious surfaces (e.g., soil, mulch, or lawn);
4. Applications to the underside of eaves, soffits, doors,or windows permanently protected from rainfall by a covering, overhang, awning, or other structure;
5. Applications around potential exterior pest entry points man-made structures such as doorways and windows, when limited to a band not to exceed one inch;
6. Applications to vertical surfaces directly above pervious surfaces such as bare soil, lawn, turf, mulch or other vegetation, and not over a hard impervious surface (e.g., driveways, sidewalks), drainage, or other condition that could result in runoff into storm drains,drainage ditches, gutters, or surface waters, to control occasional invaders or aggregating pests.
For RidescoTM WG insecticide to be most effective, apply at the first sign of insect pests and before the buildup of heavy pressure.
• Apply Ridesco WG as a void, Crack & Crevice, spot, general surface, or perimeter applications.
• Reapplications may be made at 7-day intervals.
• Application equipment must be cleaned thoroughly before and after applying this product, particularly if a product was used before application of Ridesco WG. Flush system with clean water.
For one gallon of Finished Spray at 0.15%, apply 19 g of Ridesco
Sold in a 190g bottle